Monday, February 15, 2010

#2 My Love Bug!

With the success of my first cake I am very excited to continue. My girls are also enjoying the process and excited about mommy's school work. Preparation was a bit easier this week as I had the extra 8" round in the freezer and what seems like an infinite amount of frosting in the fridge.

I arrived at the cake store and set up my station, I'm ready to make my car cake.

I start this cake like the last one and cut it in half, but instead of turning it around these two get a little icing glue and stand up together making a half circle. Then, I carve a small piece off the top and watch it take shape. Once the dirty icing is complete, I use a toothpick to outline the shapes of the windows, trunk and hood. Next, I use the guidelines to pipe on a small line of icing and then proceed to fill in the windows. It's amazing how these cakes can take shape so fast without much fuss. Once the windows are filled in and smoothed out, it's time to fill in the car. With Valentines Day here, I decide to make it pink. Besides, with my two girls, chocolate cake with pink frosting is a no brainer!

This time I will not smooth the frosting on but pipe on little stars one at a time. It reminds me of the Barbie cakes from when I was a kid. Though, now that I think about it, I never had one of those cakes! Oh well, back to this cake and the pain I begin to feel in my hand. Wow, I think I'll have to get one of those little squeeze balls and start working out my hand muscles. Wait, who am I kidding, I'm afraid to turn on my wii for fear of it yelling at me for not working out in so long!

Once the cake is covered with a million (who's counting) stars, I get to the fun part, all the little details. First the wheels, I use Oreos and add white frosting to the center, a little frosting glue to the back, and attach. I add more stars to make little fenders. This really is fun! At this point the assignment is done, but, I am not! I decide at make little rear view mirrors, door handles, bumpers with license plates (I add my girls' initials) then I add gumdrops for lights and a frosting covered piece of spaghetti for an antenna and the Pièce de résistance a heart on the rear window with "Love" written inside.

My Love Bug is complete!

At home it's so cute, I can't stop admiring my accomplishment and this is just my second cake! I'm excited for my girls to get home from school and finish their dinner (yes, this is a dream of mine) so we can eat it. Well, the cake is a hit and I'm two for two!

Next class, I begin to learn how to make flowers and I will learn to make a more traditional style cake. Until then....

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